Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - 80.5kg
Weight Today - 79.5kg
Weight to Lose - 10.5kg
A significant loss!!! 
About time I got a decent number off those horrible, mean scales :)
And whathave I done differently this past week? 
Changed the way I eat slightly.
  • No more snacking after dinner.
  • Eating dinner earlier than usual (aiming for 6:30pm or ealier most nights).
  • Cutting back significantly on the soft drink, even the sugar-free stuff. 
And also, fitting in some incidental exercise even though I only made it to the gym once in the past week.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weigh in Thursday

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - 80.9kg
Weight Today - 80.5kg
Weight to Lose - 11.5kg

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Non-Weigh in Wednesday

Weigh In Wednesday will have to wait until Thursday as I forgot to weigh myself this morning! 
Silly, cause I don't normally forget. 

Do you think working (outside the home) helps you eat less?  Or to make better or different choices? 
I am wanting to go back to work soon, and even though I'm only looking for 2 days per week of work, I'm hoping that it will help me to not eat so much...  Keeping my mind and hands busy tends to keep me away from the fridge and pantry.  It's very easy to graze all day and night when you are home alot, I've found. 

My brother in law, who knows a whole lot about dieting and exercise, tells me that weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise.  If only the percentages were reversed for me..!  

See you tomorrow for Weigh in Thursday! 
(Just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?!)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - 81kg
Weight Today - 80.9kg
Weight to Lose - 11.9kg
I should have called this post "Better Than Nothing".  Cause that is exaclty how I feel about 100 grams...!  With an off week filled with sick kids, emergency room visit, fast food, parties, afternoon teas, a long weekend, and only one exercise session all week.  All in all, not a great one for weight loss of any kind, but a good week for catching up with friends and family amongst all the other stuff.  
But it was back to the gym last night, into the cardio and weight training for a good hour so I've started off this week as I mean to finish it :) 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - 80.6kg
Weight Today - 81kg
Weight to Lose - 12kg
What can I say?  Cheesels, too many Grain Waves, and ony family size block of chocolate this past seven days, has resulted in a gain of 400 grams.  Back on the band wagon this week.  Pretzles seem to be my best snack food at the moment, other than the normal things.
The excercise was curbed a little this past week too.  With my father in law in hospital from Thursday, and him having surgery on Monday our household has been messy, at best.  Hopefully things will start to settle down soon.
Have started interval running.  It hurts and reminds me just how unfit I am.  But its good, once you get going!   

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

Good week this week! 

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - 81.7
Weight Today - 80.6kg
Weight to Lose - 11.6kg

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

Easter was a big change this year, chocolate wise.  Normally before the Easter Bunny has even visited our house, Marc and I have consumed more than our fair share of Red Tulip bunnies (the large ones of course!), plus whatever else takes our fancy.  Not this year though!  We didn't even buy one bunny!!!!  And we did not buy the kids lots and lots of chocolate, opting instead for only eggs found on their egg hunts (yes, plural!).  So even though I did eat more than a few eggs, I was pretty happy with what the scales told me - no change from last week!
Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Today - 81.7kg
Weight to Lose - 12.7kg

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

After the not so nice number on the scales yesterday, I redeemed myself slightly today. Not slightly enough though!

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Today - 81.7kg
Weight to Lose - 12.7kg

As “they” say, a loss is a loss… but what do “they” say about a gain?! Considering that I did no exercise last week at all and ate I at least two and a half family blocks of chocolate (I wasn’t counting…!), I can't complain about 200 grams! Next week will be different though. It’s back to my regularly scheduled program of eating a bit more consciously than before and exercising!  Pity that amongst all those good intentions for the week ahead, the Easter Bunny will be visiting with his basket of very-hard-to-resist Easter eggs...!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why you just shouldn't...

Official Weigh In Day is Wednesday, but this morning I just thought, out of curiosity, I would weigh myself. 
Bad idea! 
No more comment until tomorrow... 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Third Child, New Beginning. Again!

Third child is here, no more to go.
Time to start this blog again and use it to my advantage!

Starting Weight - 89.5kg (after Ella and I cam home from the hospital) 
End Goal Weight - 69kg 
Time Frame - October 2010
Weight today - 81.5kg
Weight to Lose - 12.5kg

About 2kg a month is an achieveable goal - right?!