Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

After the not so nice number on the scales yesterday, I redeemed myself slightly today. Not slightly enough though!

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Today - 81.7kg
Weight to Lose - 12.7kg

As “they” say, a loss is a loss… but what do “they” say about a gain?! Considering that I did no exercise last week at all and ate I at least two and a half family blocks of chocolate (I wasn’t counting…!), I can't complain about 200 grams! Next week will be different though. It’s back to my regularly scheduled program of eating a bit more consciously than before and exercising!  Pity that amongst all those good intentions for the week ahead, the Easter Bunny will be visiting with his basket of very-hard-to-resist Easter eggs...!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why you just shouldn't...

Official Weigh In Day is Wednesday, but this morning I just thought, out of curiosity, I would weigh myself. 
Bad idea! 
No more comment until tomorrow... 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Third Child, New Beginning. Again!

Third child is here, no more to go.
Time to start this blog again and use it to my advantage!

Starting Weight - 89.5kg (after Ella and I cam home from the hospital) 
End Goal Weight - 69kg 
Time Frame - October 2010
Weight today - 81.5kg
Weight to Lose - 12.5kg

About 2kg a month is an achieveable goal - right?!