Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Last Week - N/A
Weight Today - 74.7kg
Weight to Lose - 5.7kg
Hmmm...  Not a great start this week.  So much for 'getting back on track'..!  Marc has been away most of the week, Reuben has been sick (re: too many loads of washing/sheet changing/clothes to count), it's EOFY at work and Owen starts a new school tomorrow!  I don't need to add that it's been a big, long week here at the Harvey Circus.    

My goal for this week?  Find a decent exercise DVD to do at home.  I'm tempted by Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD.  From reviews I've been reading, it's a short circuit workout (about 20-25 mins) with three levels to get through.  Sounds just about right for someone like me!
Have you had a go?  Can you recommend an alternative DVD to try?  

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