Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

After the not so nice number on the scales yesterday, I redeemed myself slightly today. Not slightly enough though!

Starting Weight - 89.5kg
Weight Today - 81.7kg
Weight to Lose - 12.7kg

As “they” say, a loss is a loss… but what do “they” say about a gain?! Considering that I did no exercise last week at all and ate I at least two and a half family blocks of chocolate (I wasn’t counting…!), I can't complain about 200 grams! Next week will be different though. It’s back to my regularly scheduled program of eating a bit more consciously than before and exercising!  Pity that amongst all those good intentions for the week ahead, the Easter Bunny will be visiting with his basket of very-hard-to-resist Easter eggs...!

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